Ariana Grande’s Awkward Teen Choice Awards Kiss Is The Zapruder Film Of GIFs

I’ve watched Lost‘s Ian Somerhalder awkward attempt at kissing Ariana Grande during last night’s Teen Choice Awards at least three dozen times, and it never gets old. Grande confidently strolls over to accept her award for Best GIF for Pervs, or something, only to be met with an unexpected smooch, which she tries to avoid…I think? I’m not sure what her intention was. A hug? Did she think the kiss was going to come from a different angle? Who is that weird kid in the background in the bathing suit? We need Kevin Costner to take us through the GIF, step by step, back to left. Whatever the case, Somerhalder and Grande look about as smooth as I do when I’m greeted with a “cool handshake.”

Via @cjzero