Backstreet Bro Aaron Carter Got His Ass Kicked By Some Hardcore New Kids On The Block Fans

The Blonde of Blonde of “celebrities getting their ass kicked” stories is “WHERE’S BUMBLEBEE NOW?” but this one’s pretty good, too; think of it as the topic’s Nashville Skyline. On Saturday, Aaron Carter, the brother of Backstreet Boy Nick and guy who beat Shaq, got into an altercation with a group of chowdah eating no-goodniks in Boston, who told him, “I heard you’re doing a show here tomorrow. This is the town of the New Kids.”

Carter tells TMZ he stood his ground when he got jumped by a gang of New Kids on the Block fans while in Boston. It wasn’t a robbery — Carter says the fight stemmed from a territory feud. The four men approached Carter and yelled, “I heard you’re doing a show here tomorrow. This is the town of the New Kids.”

The “Jump Jump” singer, who’s been crossing the country on his “After Party” tour, posted photos on Instagram of the aftermath. Among the many selfies he’s plastered on his page, Carter, 25, has two that show him with a black eye and another of his right hand, which looks bruised. He told the gossip site he got in some punches of his own before the men took off in their gold Chevy Malibu.

“I think my knuckles might be broken, but that’s what they get,” Carter boasted. “People think I’m a pretty little white boy but no way. I think I won. I’m still standing.” (Via)

That quote sounds like a terrible Aaron Carter song.

Gotham gets the Dark Knight, Boston has Jordan Knight’s stooges beating up “Aaron’s Party” attendees. Typical.

(Via BuzzFeed) (Via Instagram) (Via Twitter) (Via NY Daily News)