Best Coast’s Bethany Cosentino Wrote A Note About Seeming ‘B*tchy’ During Concerts

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Best Coast singer/guitarist/cat fanatic Bethany Cosentino — whose “California Nights” you should vote for in our Song of the Summer championship — isn’t the most animated musician you’ll ever see live. And that’s totally fine! She saves her energy for her music and for making Seinfeld references backstage. I’d do the same thing. But not everyone is so forgiving. Cosentino took to Twitter on Thursday to explain why she “seemed so upset or bummed out or ‘bitchy,’ etc. onstage” during her current tour, which included a date in Austin for Uproxx’s SXSW showcase.

Here’s the note, in full.

In other words, Bethany’s not this:

Bethany’s this:

But sometimes she doesn’t feel like finishing your Costanza quote, ya dig?