Chris Rock Went Ahead And Declared War On Selena Gomez Fans With This Tweet

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It’s tough to know what sparked any ire in Chris Rock regarding Selena Gomez. Maybe someone told him she doesn’t like Pootie Tang. Nonetheless, the comedian/actor/writer/director went after the pop star on Twitter this week and in doing so created a bit of a social media firestorm.

Seems that in addition to not being a Gomez fan, Rock also thinks she’s ripping off Beyonce. Hence the first shot fired:

Uh oh. Now you’ve done it, Chris. Selena’s fans — affectionately known as “the Selenators (thanks, Wonderwall) — aren’t gonna take memes like that laying down.

Whoa, a Kevin Hart comparison. That’s rough. And if I know Chris Rock (sidenote: I don’t), then you can bet he’s going to see stuff like that, have a hearty laugh, and double right on down.

And so, the mob was incited once more, coming at Rock — who we should probably remind everyone, is a comedian, that is to say, someone who tells jokes — with some pretty (self) righteous annoyance.

Lord, how did Rock ever manage to go on after that last sick burn? Anyway, this has all gone down without a peep from Gomez, who is probably just going through her vast wardrobe and trying to pick out her next outfit that will turn into a funny meme retweeted by Chris Rock. You know, as one does.

(via Wonderwall)