Public Enemy and Prophets Of Rage frontman and revolutionary hip-hop pioneer Chuck D has released a 300-page, chronological history of rap and hip-hop titled, Chuck D Presents This Day In Rap And Hip-Hop History. Uproxx is giving away five copies to five fans for the next week, courtesy of the book’s publisher, Hachette Books. You can buy a copy (or two) here.
The book includes pivotal moments in hip-hop from 1973 to the present alongside artistic portraits of people who have shaped the sound and the culture of hip-hop for the last 40 years, along with Chuck’s one-of-a-kind insights and firsthand experience in many of those moments’ creation.
Each entry in This Day In Rap And Hip-Hop History details an essential moment in rap music history, and the entries are brought to life by over 100 portraits of the most influential figures in hip-hop, created by Shepard Fairey (who also contributed the book’s foreword), ASKEM, Amy Cinnamon, Andre LeRoy Davis, Holtom, Glen E. Friedman, A.J. Katz, Timothy McAuliffe (Gold Van), Scared of Monsters, Rinat Shingareev, and Marco Ventura.
For a chance to win a copy, all you have to do is follow @RealTalkUproxx on Twitter, and retweet the contest tweet to be entered in the daily pool. Winning entries will be chosen randomly once per day until all five books have been given away.