For most young adults, attending university means figuring out who they want to be. This process usually involves experimentation with sex, drugs, and College Republicans. This wasn’t enough for a group of elevator lift-bound students in England who tried impromptu karaoke while waiting for the maintenance staff to rescue them.
As minutes became hours, the sweaty orgy of poorly-ventilated bohemians decided to belt out Aerosmith’s classic “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing” from the Armageddon soundtrack. The video provides only a short snippet of the group’s raunchy antics, but it sounds like their new form of collegiate experimentation was successful enough to garner a round of high fives and bro-flections.
Too bad they call it a “lift” instead of an “elevator.” Otherwise, they would’ve known the lyrics to Aerosmith’s situation-appropriate “Love In An Elevator.”
Source: YouTube