Ariana Grande Is Sorry For Making Fun Of Fat Americans, But Still Got Dropped By Major League Baseball

It’s been quite the busy week for Ariana Grande. After video leaked by TMZ showed her bizarre behavior inside a doughnut shop, which included her saying she “hates America,” Major League Baseball said they were replacing the pastry-licker with Demi Lovato at the MLB All-Star Game concert due to “health issues.”

But lest you think “health issues” is code for “we can’t have someone who said they hate America performing at an event for America’s pastime,” it appears Grande might have a legit reason for not performing. Whether you believe it or not is up to you.

TMZ says that the switch from Grande to Lovato is “100 percent due to the oral surgery she had.” Meanwhile, Ariana released a statement apologizing for her actions.

For what it’s worth, Demi has also had an eventful week, with a video going viral of her slipping on stage and falling straight on her face. Just make sure to wear cleats and really dig into the ground this time, Demi.