I included this clip in Friday’s Final Track, but it deserves more attention: during a sweaty concert in Florida last week, Glenn Danzig, touring with the Danzfits, or something, paused “Blood and Tears” and asked the assembled masses to “punch that f*cking asshole right there.” His beatable crime: filming the gig.
Now, Glenn Danzig is a short-tempered, pot-bellied pig of a man: he’s disgusting, constantly angry, and likes his sh*t so much that he rolls around in it, probably. He picks fights with everyone, and usually gets his ass beaten. In fact, the only person possibly worse than Danzig is Guy Who Films a Concert on His Phone That He’ll Never Watch. It’s a clear violation of one of our formerly unwritten-on-the-toilet-stall commandments.
Both participants are in the wrong, but who’s the most wrong? (It’s Danzig. It’s always Danzig.)