Is Beyonce Pregnant? A Look At The Evidence.

Plenty of rumors have been circling the internet regarding the personal lives of Jay Z and Beyoncé. First there was the elevator incident, then they were getting divorced, then they were waiting to get divorced until after their “On The Run” tour ended, and now, the latest piece of news concerning the couple is that baby Blue Ivy might be getting a younger sibling sooner rather than later. But just because the internet said so, doesn’t make it true. Lets look at the evidence both for and against the newest pregnancy theories. This is Beyoncé Babygate 2014:


Jay Z Admitted It

In a recent show in Paris, concert-goers recorded Jay Z performing his song “Beach is Better” and replacing some of the lyrics with “cause she’s pregnant with another one.”

Reports from OK! Magazine allege that a source close to the couple has admitted Jay Z “protective”of Beyoncé lately, just like he was when she was expecting Blue Ivy:

He’s been doing everything he can to ensure that Bey is in a stress-free bubble. He’s informed their entire entourage that they need to use relaxed voices, mellow lighting and listen to only soft music, and he’s said that all of the food Beyoncé eats should be organic.

Recent Beyoncé Sightings 

While in Paris for the last leg of their “On The Run” tour, the couple headed out for a romantic dinner date near the Eiffel Tower. Some photogs snapped pictures of the couple, including a photo of Beyonce wearing a cocktail dress and sporting a strategically placed clutch in front of her stomach. This isn’t the first time the “Flawless” singer has drawn attention to a possible baby bump. While out with Jay Z in Antibes, France, the singer wore a form-fitting leopard print dress but kept her hand on her tummy when being photographed by the paparazzi.


Champagne + Baby = No 

One big piece of evidence against the pregnancy theory is a photo posted of  Jay Z and Beyoncé breaking open a bottle of champagne to toast their last show in Paris. The couple reportedly partied until 3 a.m. with their crew backstage before calling it a night, not normal behavior for a mom-to-be.

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The couple has yet to comment on whether Beyoncé is expecting or not, but honestly, why would they? Look at all of the press they’re getting for their tour and now for their new joint album thanks to the internet and its ever-churning rumor mill. This is a couple who know how to market and promote themselves and we’re pretty sure that if Beyoncé could keep an entire album a secret, she can keep another baby under wraps. If she is in fact pregnant, we won’t know until they want us to know, and if she isn’t, we should all just bow down now to the woman who is a master at playing the game.