Watch Jamie XX Perform His Standout ‘Loud Places’ With A Choir

Jamie xx has stepped aside from The xx to release his debut solo album, In Colour, and the album has received a lot of acclaim thus far. While Jamie xx’s music is often associated with a quiet aura, a recent performance of his song “Loud Places” is not short on spectacle.

In addition to being joined by his The xx bandmate Romy, who provides vocals on the song, Jamie xx also brought in a backing band and a choir to provide a much greater sense of spectacle to the proceedings. It helps bring the kind of energy that Jamie xx’s detractors would say his music lacks, and the brightness of the visuals doesn’t hurt either.

In Colour seems poised to be one of the best reviewed albums of the year, so you’ll likely be hearing a lot more about Jamie xx in the very near future.

(Via Pigeons and Planes)