In the 1998 romantic drama Sliding Doors, the film’s narrative alternates between two parallel universes depicting the protagonist’s path through life based on a decision that could go one of two ways. A similar effect is at play in singer Jesse McCartney‘s new video, “Better With You,” with a coin toss determining the fate of his love life and whether he gets the girl of his dreams.
“Better With You” is the singer’s first single single 2014 and demonstrates a growth in range and a more mature sound. In the intervening years since his independently-released fourth album, In Technicolor, the singer appeared in a number of movies and TV shows, including Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip and Fear The Walking Dead while prepping his return to music and his fifth studio album.
Guys, only ONE day until the #BetterWithYou official release! Today you can get an exclusive preview of the music video, thanks to @papermagazine! Find the video and my thoughts on the song, barbecue, and becoming an independent artist right here!
— Jesse McCartney (@JesseMcCartney) March 22, 2018
The video for “Better With You” finds McCartney writing songs outdoors at a cafe, when his muse, portrayed by actress Danielle Campbell strolls by, dropping a number of items from her bag. She retrieves most of them but leaves behind her keys, leaving Jesse with a choice to make: Either he picks up the keys and chases her down, leading to a relationship full of ups and downs, or he leaves it be, and spends the foreseeable future living the life of a lonesome bachelor. A quarter rolls by, mirroring the dual choices before him as the camera split screens between his two possible futures. It’s a slick-looking effect and complements the theme of the song well.
Taking over the @uproxx Instagram tomorrow! Follow 'em now!
— Jesse McCartney (@JesseMcCartney) March 29, 2018
McCartney’s as-yet-untitled album is due later this year.