Justin Bieber Effectively Captures The Proper Reaction To Ronda Rousey’s Shocking Loss

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So much for not being a “do-nothing b*tch” because Ronda Rousey did absolutely nothing when Amanda Nunes treated her face like a punching bag at UFC 207 Friday night. The 48-second match pretty much garnered the same reaction Smokey had when Craig rocked Deebo to sleep on Friday.

“You just got knocked the f*ck out,” Justin Bieber tweeted following Rousey’s shocking loss to Nunes. The popstar’s reaction is a dig at Rousey who once blasted Justin for ignoring her little sister’s request for a selfie.

Last October, the MMA star said Biebervelli was “really rude” to her sister at the Cannes Film Festival after she asked for a picture. Bieber later apologized on Entertainment Tonight a month later and begged Rousey not to “kick his ass” before throwing shade following her loss to Holly Holm. “Did you see Ronda Rousey?” he said. “She got knocked out cold! Oh my God, she got knocked out so bad…She got pummeled.”

All this pettiness is just karma making its way back around. Bieber is great friends with Floyd Mayweather and as you may recall Ronda made headlines last year for talking sh*t about the champion boxer and claiming she could beat him like an African drum in a “ruleless” match, adding, “I think I actually make 2-3 times more than [Mayweather] does per second … so when he learns to read and write, he can text me.” It’s doubtful Rousey wants to fight anyone now at this point.