Kanye West Is Reportedly Considering Opening Up His Own Church

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Kanye West has been getting more in touch with his spiritual side after launching his weekly gospel sermons “Sunday Service.” The musician streamed his Sunday Service for the first time on Easter Sunday at Coachella. A massive turnout of 50,000 and internet praise following the Service has reportedly led him to set his sights on something more permanent. According to People, Kanye is considering opening up his own church.

According to People‘s source, Kanye’s spiritual journey is genuine. “He is extremely passionate about his faith and wants to share it more regularly with people,” said the source. “He spends a lot of time studying and praying, and wants to share his journey.”

Much like his Sunday Service installments, the church Kanye has in mind wouldn’t be traditional. “It would be a way to point people to Jesus through the arts and through a community of people who love and care for each other,” People‘s source said. “He also wants his kids to be raised in faith, and the best way for him to do that is to live out his faith.”

Kim Kardashian is supportive of her husband’s spiritual endeavors. “It’s honestly more like a healing experience for my husband,” Kim previously told Elle. “It’s just music; there’s no sermon. It’s definitely something he believes in — Jesus — and there’s a Christian vibe. But there’s no preaching. It’s just a very spiritual Christian experience.”

The source for People mentioned Kanye’s motivation for opening up a church would be philanthropic: “He understands brokenness and the need for healing, probably more than most people. He believes in the healing powers of music, but also believes that God can step in and heal people’s brokenness and their issues.”

Kanye hasn’t confirmed his church dreams will actually come to fruition, but if it’s anything like his Sunday Service, it will center on music.