When Kanye West canceled his Saint Pablo tour last year, he left himself open to a significant payout to various venues and vendors for bailing midway through. That’s what tour insurance should be for, but early this month, Kanye took his insurer, Lloyd’s of London, to court for $10 million for failing to pay out in a timely manner. He alleged that his touring company, Very Good Touring, Inc. have not been paid more than eight months after the claim was filed and the insurers are stalling on payments.
However, The Hollywood Reporter has released new information about a countersuit filed by Lloyd’s of London against VGT, claiming that the insurance policy excluded pre-existing psychological conditions, possession of illegal drugs, prescription drugs not taken as medically prescribed, and the consumption of alcohol that rendered the insured unfit to perform.
In other words, according to Lloyd’s of London, Kanye West was either taking illegal drugs, abusing legal drugs, too drunk to perform, or mentally unstable leading up to the cancelation of Saint Pablo. The court papers don’t say as much, but by invoking the above-mentioned clauses, it’s pretty clear where Lloyd’s stands on the issue.
“Underwriters’ investigation indicates substantial irregularities in Mr. West’s medical history. Furthermore the insured’s failure to cooperate in Underwriters’ investigation is contrary to the duties of cooperation VGT agreed to as a condition precedent to any obligation of Underwriters to pay any claim arising under the Policies. Throughout Underwriters’ investigation, VGT and its legal, medical and other agents and representatives have delayed, hindered, stalled and or refused to provide information both relevant and necessary for Underwriters to complete their investigation of the claim.
That’s a lot of legalese for, “We don’t believe you, you need more people.” Although Kanye did submit to an interrogation after being released from UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital Center, it seems Lloyd’s of London isn’t buying his story, and doesn’t want to pay up, which would leave West on the hook for damages from the tour cancelation.