A Teenager’s Portrait Of Kendrick Lamar Is Going On Display In The U.S. Capitol Building

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Kendrick Lamar has racked up nearly every accolade you can imagine by this point in his career. Okay, he’s still waiting for that Best Album Grammy award, hell, a Best Rap album Grammy would more than suffice by now — hold your texts Macklemore — but he just received a new honor thanks to a High School student from Colorado.


Tiona Cordova, a student at Pueblo, Colorado’s Centennial High School, entered the annual Congressional Art competition with a stunning portrait of the DAMN., rapper. The depiction was apparently so good that the judges gave it the first place ribbon. As a result, the image of K Dot will go up on display in the U.S. Capitol building for the next year, which might be enough time for him to catch the fall of Donald Trump as President, a man he once described in his song “The Heart Part 4,” as “a chump,” before warning, “that God comin’ / And Russia need a replay button / y’all up to somethin’.”

Cordova herself will be honored for her accomplishment at a ceremony in Washington D.C. at a later date. Who knows, maybe if Kung Fu Kenny hears about this he can hook her up with a few tickets to his tour this Summer. That July 29 date in Denver might be the perfect opportunity for a quick thank you.