Kings Of Leon Cancel Tour Due To Lead Singer's…Wait For It…'Exhaustion'

I’m astounded by how utterly clueless some entertainment industry execs often are, particularly over how utterly clueless they think we all are. Specifically, saying that a performer has to take time off because they’re “exhausted” is always an insult to our collective intelligence. PR people might as well issue a statement saying, “So-and-so won’t be available for the next 30 days because he has to get his back waxed and his butthole professionally bleached.” Hell, that seems even more credible than crap like this

“We are so sorry to say Kings of Leon are canceling their entire US tour due to Caleb Followill suffering from exhaustion. The band is devastated, but in order to give their fans the shows they deserve, they need to take this break. Unfortunately, the US dates cannot be rescheduled due to the band’s international tour schedule.”

This, mind you, after Followill made an as$ of himself onstage in Dallas on Friday by being too…something…to finish the performance.

“I’m gonna go backstage for a second. I’m gonna vomit. I’m gonna drink some beer,” he told the crowd. “I’m about to fall down here because I’m so goddamn hot. … I’m gonna come back out here and I’m gonna play three more songs.” He never returned.

Younger brother and bandmate Jared Followill took to the mic to apologize to pissed off fans on their way out, pleading, “We are so unbelievably sorry. There’s no words right now…Caleb’s just a little unfit to play the rest of the show…I know you guys f*cking hate us. I’m so sorry…I can’t apologize enough. It’s really not our fault. He can’t play the rest of the show…F*cking hate Caleb, not us.”

You can watch the whole spectacle in the video below taken by an audience member. Hilariously, the crowd just cheers him as drunkenly rambles on incoherently…

This is why musicians should just stick to lemonade, people…

(HT: Vulture. Caleb Followill gif via)