If you attended Lauryn Hill’s show in Atlanta on Saturday, you probably weren’t too happy. The former Fugee showed up two hours late for the performance and played for about a half an hour before her mic was turned off. This disappointing show lead to Hill getting some flack on Twitter, and as comments like these kept pouring in.
Looking for entertainment in Atlanta tonight? Think how many books you could have bought for the price of those Lauryn Hill tickets.
— Matt Handle (@Matt_Handle) May 7, 2016
After angry tweets kept pouring in, Hill decided to take the matter to Facebook, where she posted a note explaining her side of the story:
[protected-iframe id=”05091cace767f04260a64b0814823be3-60970621-66206423″ info=”https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fmslaurynhill%2Fposts%2F1293754153985597&width=500″ width=”500″ height=”258″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”]
Despite her pledge to “make it up to” her aggrieved fans, users on Hill’s Facebook fans were having none of this, as the backlash continued with most of the comments:
[protected-iframe id=”a42ff84069dea4bc829f1e55270beed3-60970621-66206423″ info=”https://www.facebook.com/plugins/comment_embed.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fmslaurynhill%2Fposts%2F1293754153985597%3Fcomment_id%3D1293766633984349&include_parent=false” width=”560″ height=”161″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”]
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The accusation that Hill has been late for other shows indicates an ongoing problem. Hill’s note can’t help but come across like a fancy, new-age way of saying she’s only going to come out to perform when she feels like it, which isn’t going to sit well with people who paid top dollar to attend her concerts. As great as The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill is, fans are only willing to put up with so much from their favorite artists. If Hill can’t find some way to make it to the stage at least reasonably close to when the show is supposed to start, she can expect to have more and more angry, frustrated fans.
(Via Vibe)