We’ve all been in a situation before where you’re rocking out a little too hard and maybe tear the fabric of a shirt or pants. It’s embarrassing. Hell, it could happen to anyone. But nothing could have prepared Lenny Kravitz for what he would experience while performing in Stockholm on Monday. Well, maybe some underwear could have, but there’s no need to shame him for his clothing choices. You be you, Lenny!
While performing at the Gröna Lund theme park in Sweden, the NME reports that the crotch of his leather pants ripped, and the “Fly Away” singer was more than a little exposed.
The picture is at the bottom of this post, but here’s where we must warn you: If you scroll down, you are going to see something very NSFW. As in, you’re going to see Lenny Kravitz’s penis. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
Local paper Expressen noted that Kravitz had to get off stage to change for a few minutes, then returned with a new pair of pants. He apologized with a little good humor and continued his set. It’s hard not to feel for Kravitz after such a boner, but let’s not be dicks about this. It doesn’t matter if your name is Peter or Jimmy or Rod, this could happen to anyone. So, let’s have a little respect here. Just one more question: Was this on the third leg of this tour?
Okay, that’s enough. Here’s the picture, which, again, is very NSFW:
[Image removed by user]
UPDATE: Kravitz had a pretty great response to #PenisGate
(Via NME)