Now you’ve done it, random The Smiths fanatic in Poland: you’ve made me feel kind of bad for Morrissey. Approximately 25 minutes into his show in Warsaw on Wednesday, the Pope of Mope walked off stage after, according to Live Nation, someone in the audience shouted something “extremely offensive and chauvinistic” about Moz. It’s fine to make fun of Morrissey — he’s kind of an asshole and often deserves it — but keep it above the belt, guys.
A statement posted on the Polish Facebook page of Live Nation…reads: “In the course of today’s concert for an indication of the barn in Warsaw, one of the spectators standing close to the scene said extremely offensive and chauvinistic words at the artist. The situation had forced the artist to leave the scene.”
One fan, who had traveled from London the day before to see the singer perform, said: “Someone shouted out something about him having cancer and he asked security to remove him. And then he just walked off stage and didn’t come back. I paid 50 quid for this ticket, not to mention the flight and hotel, for just 25 minutes. I am completely gutted. How could he be so disrespectful towards his fans.” (Via)
If someone really did insult Moz for having cancer, that person is human garbage…but he still has an obligation to finish the show for everyone who isn’t a canker sore on the world’s lip. I love the Smiths as much as the next white guy, but I don’t consider myself a Morrissey fan. Is there a greater devotion to the work/loathing of the person divide in pop culture? Maybe George Lucas, although even he wouldn’t relate eating meat to paedophilia.