There’s A Ned Flanders-Themed Metal Band Called Okilly Dokilly, And We Spoke To Them

If Devil Flanders had an entrance theme, it would be something by Okilly Dokilly, the stupid, sexy, sweater-wearing Ned Flanders-themed metal band that took the Internet (so, Simpsons fans) by storm last month. Their lyrics are Flanders quotes, their song titles (including “Press Self Destruct Button” and “Nothing At All”) are… also Flanders quotes, and the band members have names like Bled Ned and singer Head Ned, who Uproxx recently spoke to via email.

We covered the group’s history, his Simpsons fandom, being a big four-eyed lame-o who wears the same stupid sweater everyday and… THE SPRINGFIELD RIVER!

Why Ned Flanders and not, say, Reverend KILLjoy?

Ha, Reverend KILLjoy, that’s pretty good. We had the band name first. We thought it would be funny to have a really heavy band be called Okilly Dokilly. Then we thought, “What if we all dressed like Flanders?” I suppose that question is answered now.

What’s the process of coming up with lyrics like?

I do a lot of research on the Internet for Ned-heavy episodes. I’ll watch them and write down quotes that sound very dark out of context. Once I have a few, or even just one, I’ll pick up the guitar and put a song together.

How long have you and the rest of the Neds been playing together?

Myself and our drummer (Bled Ned) have been in bands together for nearly four years. The other guys joined up when we had the idea for the project, which was just under a year ago.

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What was the first Simpsons episode you saw?

The show is older than I am, so I can’t really recall. I do have a very ingrained memory of Homer stealing cable and Lisa not agreeing with it. So, it might be the “Homer vs. Lisa and the Eighth Commandment” episode.

What’s your favorite Ned Flanders quote?

“I don’t even know you, but I’m sure you’re a jerk,” and anything else from the “Hurricane Neddy” episode. We also have a song in the works that uses that quote.

Have you heard from [Simpsons producer] Al Jean or any of the Simpsons folks?

Al Jean tweeted about us, and someone who works for Matt Groening contacted us. I got really excited both times. Really, really excited. It was amazing, and, even if the project disappeared tomorrow, I would call it worth it. We’re not stopping, though.

What metal band would you like to see on The Simpsons?

I have absolutely no idea how the animation styles would blend, but to see Dethklok on The Simpsons would make my head exploderino.

Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot that he himself could not eat it?

Well, sure. Of course he could, but, then again… wow, as melon-scratchers go, that’s a honey doodle.