Preview Part Two Of Justin Timberlake’s ’20/20 Experience’ With ‘Take Back The Night’

Now, I’m not saying Justin Timberlake’s The 20/20 Experience, Vol. 2 is going to be a album-length tribute to Bob Dylan’s “Subterranean Homesick Blues,” the rambling first track on Bringing It All Back Home, but I’m not saying it’s NOT going to be, either.

Fact the first: both Dylan and now JT, in a preview for the album that doubles as a sneak listen to first single “Take Back the Night,” both employ the use of cue cards. Fact the second: both videos are shot in black and white. Fact the third: both were members of the Mickey Mouse Club and had sex with Britney Spears.

JT’s in the basement, mixing up the medicine. Open your eyes, sheeple. And your ears.