Rihanna Is Not ‘Feeling’ Indiana’s Religious Freedom Laws

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Music megastar Rihanna weighed in on Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act while performing her new track “American Oxygen” at the NCAA March Madness Music Festival in Indianapolis. As you can imagine, she’s not the law’s biggest fan:

“Who’s feeling these new bulls–t laws that they’re trying to pass over here?” she asked the Indianapolis audience at the city’s White River State Park. “I say f–k that s–t. I wanna hear you say, ‘F–k that s–t’ cause we’re just living our motherf–king lives. Indiana!” (Via)

Her remarks echo the opinions of Nick Offerman, Michael Stipe, and others who are decidedly not “feeling” either the RFRA or the amended version. The latter, which passed on Thursday, puts the onus on individual towns to enact their own laws making it illegal to discriminate against LGBT individuals.

As for “American Oxygen,” the video just premiered, and if the cause to push back against the RFRA needs an anthem, it could do a lot worse than a song that features the lyrics, “This is the new America, we are the new America.”

Source: US Magazine