Sad Kanye Is Sad In This Tragic Zip-Lining Photo With Kim Kardashian

UPDATE: Here Are The Best Sad Kanye Photoshops The Internet Has To Offer

Kanye West and Matt Stone/Trey Parker have had their issues over the years, but even he has to admit South Park nailed it with the episode title, “I Should Have Never Gone Zip-Lining.” In an old photo recently submitted to Brown Cardigan by Alex Yenni, via Imgur (“Found it in a random zip-lining office in the middle of Mexico…”), Kanye is the living embodiment of Cartman, his body language practically screaming, “I’m so f*cking bored.” Also, it looks like he’s not wearing pants.

I’ll get you started, Internet: “Keanu West dot Tumblr dot Com.” You can take it from there.

Via Brown Cardigan