As we approach the end of 2018, it’s incredible to look back and think about the mountain of exceptional indie rock records that have been released over the last 10 months. The year ain’t quite over yet, and there are still several gems waiting to be unearthed and enjoyed by the masses. Among those is Be True, the debut album by the Seattle quartet Sloucher. While that record doesn’t officially drop until Friday, thanks to Talkhouse, you can have a listen to the entire thing right now on their website.
In an essay penned by Telekinesis frontman Michael Benjamin Lerner that accompanies the stream, he described Be True as an album that “Instantly feels like a classic.” Adding, “It’s a best friend, the comfortable blanket of sound I find myself constantly reaching toward after too many electronic or experimental records — a palette cleanser of wonderful melodies, infectious guitar lines, and great no frills rock and roll.” I can only add my own co-sign to that glowing sentiment.
You can listen to an early stream of Sloucher’s shimmering and evocative debut album Be True right now over at Talkhouse, and if you like what you hear, you can pre-order your copy of the record here.