Former-Sonic Youth guitarist, current-fashionable badass Kim Gordon wrote a memoir, Girl In A Band, that comes out next month. It’s sure to be a fascinating read, and not just because she doesn’t hold back her disdain for fellow rock icons Courtney Love and Billy Corgan, who fought with her throughout the 1990s. The Guardian published a few excerpts from the book, including:
After meeting [Courtney] Love in 1990, Gordon recognised a possible similar borderline personality disorder from which her brother Keller suffers. “No one ever questions the disorder behind her tarantula LA glamour – sociopathy, narcissism – because it’s good rock and roll, good entertainment! I have a low tolerance for manipulative, egomaniacal behaviour, and usually have to remind myself that the person might be mentally ill.” […]
When Gordon co-produced Hole’s 1991 debut she soon found herself privyy to Courtney Love’s chaotic world, including her attraction to Kurt Cobain (“Uh-oh, train wreck coming,” noted Gordon) and her relationship with the Smashing Pumpkins frontman: “Courtney asked us for advice about her ‘secret affair’ with Billy Corgan. I thought, Ewwww, at even the mention of Billy Corgan, whom nobody liked because he was such a crybaby, and Smashing Pumpkins took themselves way too seriously and were in no way punk rock.”
No wonder Sonic Youth never shared a Simpsons scene with Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins (Kim Gordon, not smiling politely). Gordon also wrote about the dissolution of her marriage from Thurston Moore, who was (is?) under the spell of “the other woman,” saying, “No one could understand how Thurston, who always had a good nose for the user, the groupie, the nutcase or the hanger-on, had let himself get pulled under by her.”
Via The Guardian