Taylor Swift has reached the point in her career that every pop star gets to eventually: “the reinvention.” It happened to Britney, it DEFINITELY happened to Miley, and now it’s happening for Swift, whose new Rolling Stone profile functions as a sort-of coming out party. It’s a canny PR move, and Swift, whose “reinvention” mostly involves no boys and no country music, comes across exceedingly well.
Especially when she’s telling people to screw off.
“I feel like watching my dating life has become a bit of a national pastime,” Swift says. “And I’m just not comfortable providing that kind of entertainment anymore. I don’t like seeing slide shows of guys I’ve apparently dated. I don’t like giving comedians the opportunity to make jokes about me at awards shows. I don’t like it when headlines read ‘Careful, Bro, She’ll Write a Song About You,’ because it trivializes my work. And most of all, I don’t like how all these factors add up to build the pressure so high in a new relationship that it gets snuffed out before it even has a chance to start. And so,” she says, “I just don’t date.” (Via)
Be sure to stick around until the end of the profile, where we meet one of Swift’s bodyguards, “a former Marine Corps anti-terrorism specialist” who briefs her on a swarm of teenage fans the way he might have the president about Saddam.
“OK, we’ve got a six-minute walk to the exit. Twitter is going like wildfire, so some of the more obsessive fans…” He trails off. “We’re just gonna close the gap on you and keep them back.” (Via)
Swift’s response to the horde: blast Kendrick Lamar’s “Backseat Freestyle” on her iPhone.