Enjoy These Twins Pantomiming Through The Oddest Performance Of ‘Silent Night’ You’ll See This Holiday

I’m always a little take aback that things like this exist. They’re not abnormal or uncommon, especially at this time of year, but it still rubs me in an odd way. A pantomime of Perry Como singing “Silent Night” is never going to be something that tops my list of “must see” holiday activities, but it is for someone.

The performance reminds me of the weird weekend visits to my great aunt’s house. They had no television and played this really odd gospel music on a small, old radio, the kind of thing that you would hear at the end of the world. From the description:

This is an excerpt from the MULL SINGING CONVENTION broadcast on Christmas Morning, December 25, 2012. Cohosts Charlotte Mull and Gail Shelby introduce the Brown Twin Sister’s pantomime of Perry Como’s Silent Night. Ella and Stella Brown are the twin sisters of Charlotte’s mother Elizabeth “Lady” Mull. This performance has become a Christmass classic for the show for many years.

Away from the actual performance, I always want to know why twins decide to continue down the route of looking exactly alike. You’re two different people, why are you dressing the same way with the same hairstyles. I know it’s a performance thing, but you’re creeping me out. Throw in a clown, some little people, and a dude playing a theramin and you’ve officially entered the realm of my dreams. Wash your hands.

(Via Steve Dashper / Christian Nightmares)