Despite receiving several public condemnations for his initial refusal to disavow support from white supremacists, Donald Trump’s dance with former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke and like-minded individuals and groups continues. How so, you ask? By giving a known white supremacist and radio show host, James Edwards, press credentials for a campaign rally in Tennessee on Saturday. In addition, Trump’s people let Edwards interview his son, Donald Trump, Jr. So yeah, there’s that.
According to the Huffington Post, Edwards wrote about his “very memorable day” in a blog post, in which he described being surrounded by “so-called reporters and journalists [who] must feel absolutely impotent to find that, after spending decades attempting to brainwash people with a constant inundation of unnatural ideas, their best efforts have resulted in a colossal failure.” Despite his being placed along with them in the infamous press pen, Edwards enjoyed the experience — especially the 20-minute interview he conducted with Trump, Jr. for Saturday’s episode of his radio show, The Political Cesspool.
For those not familiar, Political Cesspool touts itself as an “unapologetically pro-white viewpoint” on “sensitive issues such as race, immigration, foreign policy and much more.” (Fun fact: Duke has appeared on the program in the past.) The radio show host didn’t give specifics about the Trump, Jr. interview, though he mentioned it often. He also made it very clear that both he and his program were huge fans of Trump’s presidential campaign.
How and why Edwards received credentials for the rally and access to Trump, Jr. isn’t known at this time. The Huffington Post inquired about the matter on Tuesday, but a Trump campaign spokesperson did not comment on either question.
(Via Huffington Post)