Back in May, America got the news that Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers was a Swiftie (!) While he and fiance Shailene Woodley were on vacation with actor Miles Teller and his wife Keleigh, Aaron and Keleigh were belting out lyrics to “The One” in one epic grid post. See below:
Excellent content there, thanks to Shailene for capturing. Anyway, Rodgers has been well-known as a masterful social media poster for some time now, and this weekend he wore a Folklore beanie before the game, which ended up landing on a Swiftie Reddit thread and getting the Packers’ official Instagram account itself involved. On Monday, he Packers account posted — to grid, no less! — a photo of Aaron in full folklore regalia (beanie included), for a black and white shot with a woodsy background. Note the Packers logo included in the corner, *chef’s kiss*.
Of course, this was also picked up by the loyal Redditors, and then made its way onto Rodgers’ own Instagram story as well.

This time, he once again quoted lyrics from folklore opener, “The One,” posting: “I’m doing good I’m on some new sh*t.” Well played, Mr. Rodgers. Well played. So we’ll see you at the re-scheduled Lover Fest with Shailene right?? Cool just text me when you guys get there and we can all meet up.