If his starring role in the Bill Simmons Andre the Giant documentary and the recent increase in WWE legends being weirdly gung-ho about it didn’t clue you in, a report from TMZ on Friday morning spoke it plain: the inevitable return to WWE of Hulk Hogan is “almost a done deal.”
Explanation #1: Saudi Arabia asked them to, which seems appropriate.
In fact, we’re told when the WWE made plans for an event in Saudi Arabia, one of the members of the royal family specifically asked for Hulk to participate. Ultimately, Hulk didn’t go … but it triggered a dialogue between the two sides.
Explanation #2: Some kids thought it would be a good idea.
Our sources say WWE was paying close attention to Hulk’s speech at the Boys & Girls Club this week — in which he said he wanted to help educate kids to not use the same language he did — because they wanted to see how it was received. It went well with the crowd which gave Hogan a loud ovation.
WWE’s statement on Hogan has evolved over the past couple of months as well. Back in March, this was their official statement:
“We have had discussions with Terry Bollea (aka Hulk Hogan) about how he can help others learn from his mistakes, however, he is not under any contract with WWE.”
Now it’s this:
“WWE applauds the work Hulk Hogan is doing with Boys & Girls Clubs of America to turn what was a negative into a positive by helping young people learn from his mistake. While he has taken many steps in the right direction since we parted ways, Hogan is not currently under contract to WWE.”
Hogan left the company in disgrace back in 2015, causing his history as a champion of the ring and defender of local youth centers to be scrubbed from its history and Hall of Fame.