Kylie Rae Explained Why She Left All Elite Wrestling

Today, Kylie Rae finally broke her silence on her expected departure from All Elite Wrestling earlier this year.

Kylie Rae was announced as a member of the AEW roster at the company’s Double or Nothing ticket announcement party in February 2019 and soon after was officially booked on AEW’s first official pay-per-view. With her wrestling skill and sunny personality, she quickly won over fans who were unfamiliar with her work on the indies. Kylie Rae seemed sure to be a major player in AEW’s women’s division but didn’t appear on any of the company’s other shows that summer, and in September, Tony Khan confirmed that she had left the company.

There was no clear explanation as to why Kylie Rae left AEW from the wrestler or the company and she deleted all her social media, so speculation and rumors abounded. When she appeared at All Glory, an Impact Wrestling event showcasing independent talent in the Chicago area, then in a battle royal on Impact’s Bound For Glory PPV, some wondered if she had left AEW for Impact. However, Kylie Rae didn’t sign with the company and has continued to wrestle on the indies, almost as if her brief AEW career never happened.

Today, in a post on her reactivated Instagram account, Kylie Rae broke her silence on her departure from AEW. Here’s the full text of her statement:

“I don’t know how to start this and I can’t speak on other’s behalves. I can only speak for myself and what’s in my heart. I don’t know many rumors and honestly try to stay away from everything, obviously. But here: nobody made me leave. AEW took my career to new levels and I’m beyond grateful for every opportunity and experience that has come along the way and wish nothing but the best. It’s a great group of people who truly love wrestling and just want everyone to succeed. I’ve always tried to be a good person but I make many mistakes along the way. I needed to get my mind, body, and soul right with God. I wish I had the answers but the truth is I don’t. We all go through obstacles in life and we may want all the answers but we don’t need them. It’s God’s plan and he has shown me what’s truly important in life and to find a blessing in every moment because in the blink of an eye, everything can be gone. So instead of bashing, let’s just love one another and appreciate what we have, or something like that lol sorry I’m awkward.”