Two NXT Superstars Showed Up In Dark Matches Before Monday Night Raw


For those not completely turned off of this week’s episode of Raw by the forwarned return of noted racist hotdog Hulk Hogan, this time to a WWE show that isn’t also a propaganda vehicle for a government that recently murdered a journalist and definitely just to honor his dearly departed friend and not also to sell merch, there were NXT call-ups to look forward to!

The arrival of six NXT wrestlers (Nikki Cross, Lacey Evans, Lars Sullivan, EC3, and Heavy Machinery) had been hyped for weeks via video package, and all of them except Cross, who already showed up on Smackdown a while ago, were reported to be backstage at Raw tonight. Additionally, a video of EC3 reflecting on his time in NXT was uploaded to the WWE YouTube channel earlier today.

However, no NXT superstars ended up debuting on the program. Instead, Lacey Evans and EC3 made their first main roster appearances in pre-Raw dark matches. Evans faced Natalya and 3 wrestled Curt Hawkins. As you might guess, Hawkins did not break his over 250 match long losing streak against the former TNA star.

This makes it looks like the main roster TV debuts of the Lady of NXT Raw [probably?] and the one-percenter must be coming up soon. However, according to sources of PWMania, while Evans will be heading to the red brand, EC3 is set to join the Smackdown roster.