Restaurant Owner Scott Steiner Is Angry He Isn’t In ‘WWE 2K17’

When we last caught up with Scott Steiner, Big Poppa Pump — former WCW World Heavyweight Champion and the world’s foremost authority on chainmail do-rags — was witnessing attempted murders and opening Shoney’s locations with the help of all his 90s wrestling pals. Oh, and clotheslining the everloving balls out of anthropomorphic racing pierogis (pierogii?). We’ve come a real long way since then, because this man who owns a restaurant is now getting into the TWITTER FEUD business, going on a seemingly unprovoked rant about being the only man who has beaten Goldberg to not be included in WWE 2K17.

Yo dogg … just spitballing here, but maybe you weren’t included in the WWE game because you threatened to do a murder on Hulk Hogan. I mean, maybe you didn’t specifically say you were going to kill him, but you’ve certainly been doing some uncool stuff publicly in the past couple of years. And yeah, the Hulkster is technically still on the outs with WWE, but maybe you would be in the game if you did a bit fewer bananacakes things. You’d at least have a 141 and two-thirds chance of being in the game if you just laid low for a bit longer.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go download a fan-made Scott Steiner and truck Goldberg a few dozen times in WWE 2K17.