Chance the Rapper is just an awesome person with an awesome spirit who wants to help make the world a better place. He took another step forward in that direction by announcing his latest initiative in collaboration with the NAACP.
His Magnificent Coloring World Tour kicks off on September 15 and with the impending election this November, Chance is working with the organization to help register voters during stops throughout the U.S. They’re calling it the #staywokeandvote campaign which will feature members from the Youth and College Divisions of the NAACP. Chance put the news out on his Twitter account on Wednesday:
Proud to announce I'll be teaming with @NAACP for #magnificentcoloringworldtour to bring Voters Registration to the show #staywokeandvote
— Chance The Rapper (@chancetherapper) September 14, 2016
The NAACP also published a press release about the joint venture. “Chance the Rapper is an artist whose music praises and lifts up our common humanity, and whose call for action speaks to the yearning of this moment,” said Cornell William Brooks, President and CEO of the NAACP. “This year, more than it has in a generation, we must use the power of our voices and our votes and exercise our sacred right to vote.”
Additionally, there will be information tables at each stop to “provide civic engagement resources and NAACP membership information to concertgoers.” The first day of the registration drives will be at the Magnificent Coloring Day Festival on Sept. 24 in Chicago. Other registration drives will take place through October in Fairfax, VA, Raleigh, NC, Atlanta, GA, Miami and Tallahassee, FL, New Orleans, LA, Houston and Dallas, TX and San Francisco, CA.