Funkmaster Flex Is Still Freaking Out About Tupac And It’s Getting Weird

Whatever Funkmaster Flex’s issue is with Tupac, he just can’t let it go, even more than 20 years after Pac’s death. Seemingly spurred by a Twitter thread detailing the dealings between real life New York gangsters and rappers in the 80s and 90s that went viral this week, Flex went back on the attack against Pac again this week and people were not amused.

Flex went off on Twitter, saying Pac falsely accusing The Notorious B.I.G. of setting him up in 1994 in the infamous Quad studio shooting ultimately led to Biggie’s own untimely demise. He ranted so endlessly about it that T.I. eventually stepped in to tell Flex to chill out and let it go.

Well, that seemed to only further antagonize Flex, as he responded to Tip with a 40-minute Instagram Live session discussing the whole episode and again implying that if Pac had not blamed Biggie in the 1994 shooting Big would still be alive. What makes the whole video even stranger is at one point Flex gets emotional, seemingly on the verge of tears or even crying already. “Y’all n***as worship him,” Flex says while his voice is cracking. “He lied. Nobody ever wants to tell the truth.”

Check out the entire Instagram Live video below as well as a short clip of Flex emotionally ranting above.