Joe Budden had a few words to say about his beef with Drake and Drake’s beefs with Ebro and Funkmaster Flex. In a Periscope video he published and later deleted, Budden said the way that Drake has handled his “problems” is the reason why he felt like dissing him was a waste of time. “[Drake] is very insecure,” said the Jersey MC. “If I’m Drake I’ve built my entire empire off said insecurity. So why would I want to get rid of it? I wouldn’t. That’s exactly why I stopped dissing him. It was pointless.”
The video was originally shot on August 9th with Joe Budden, Rory, and Officially Ice engaged in a debate about who Drake responds to and why. Joey thinks Drake only responds to things “the people” pick up on. Rory took a defensive position by asking why would Drake respond to anything that people don’t here. “It’s like a tree falls in a forest and nobody heard it kind of thing,” he said. Jumpoff Joe agreed.
“What I’m saying is, whether it’s a rap, whether it’s something smart somebody said, whether’s it’s a rumor, whether it’s any of that, if it picks up steam, he’s responding to it,” said the Jersey MC. The rest of the podcast is about a variety of different topics including Eminem and Ebro. The Drake comments start around the 50-minute mark.