Killer Mike Was Honored By Georgia State Senate For His Work On Atlanta’s Infrastructure

March has turned out to be quite a big month for rappers in politics. After Chance sat down to discuss education funding with the Governor of Illinois and Biggie was honored on the senate floor in New York, today it was Killer Mike’s turn. This morning, the Atlanta rapper was honored by the Georgia state Senate and given some time on the Senate floor to get some stuff off of his chest.

In a resolution drafted by state Senator Nan Orrock, Mike was honored for his work concerning Atlanta’s water infrastructure. A while back, The Run The Jewels rapper hada water drill named after him. That “Driller Mike” project opened the door for the rapper to begin creating a community wide dialogue about the value of water. The state is now honoring him for that work, and he took the opportunity to voice a few political aspirations.

“You can look forward to me stepping out on his campaign trail, I’m sure,” he said on the Senate floor. He also spoke about issues like housing conditions, gentrification, and a variety of public services that require more funding. According to WABE, he even took a shot at Ben Carson, saying that slaves were not immigrants.

“Our children deserve decent housing. Gentrification should not make children poor. Our school systems deserve more attention. Our teachers deserve more money. Our firemen deserve more money. And our policemen deserve more than new guns. They deserve to have enough cops on the street to be involved in the community.

“The charge that I give all of us in this hall today is to make sure that Georgia remains an equitable place not only for water, but for education, for workers’ rights, for where we’re living,” he said. “It should be as fair for a rural white man in Georgia who’s trying to live by the land, as it is for a kid on the Westside of Atlanta, trying to survive the concrete.”

Sounds like a pretty solid base to run on.