After Botching An Epic Stage Dive, Post Malone Kept Performing From The Floor

Post Malone’s latest single, “Rockstar,” debuted at no. 2 on Billboard‘s Hot 100 this week, and he’s doing his best to live up to that lofty standard, however mixed the results may be.

While performing in St. Louis, Missouri Sunday night (Sept. 24), Post tried to stage dive, but there was just one problem: No one seemed to want to catch him. He definitely felt the results of that impact this morning, but it looks like the only thing seriously wounded was his pride, as he continued to perform from the floor, adhering to the age-old adage about the show going on.

After the show, he tweeted that he wished he shared the body type of a different rapper after the show, positing that it was his physique that intimidated the fans closest to the stage when he jumped off: “felt like jack black in school of rock tonight when i staged dived and nobody caught my fat ass. wish i had lil uzi body.”

Of course, it could have been, given the angles of the numerous fan videos depicting the semi-epic fail, that most of the front row fans were simply too busy recording and were caught off guard. Batten down the hatches; those “Millennials Are Killing Stage Dive” essays are likely right around the corner. I guess the big takeaway from all this is: Be present and enjoy the show. I’m sure those fans would much rather have the one-of-a-kind memory of participating in an epic stage dive than one of a hundred videos of an epic fail. Even so, check out more of those videos below: