Kate Upton's Latest Rumored Boyfriend? Blake Griffin

In case you missed it, our favorite Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model and reigning With Leather Celebrity Sports Fan of the Year Kate Upton was mentioned a little in yesterday’s news, as TMZ had a very interesting video of her. I believe that she was learning how to ride a horse when all of her clothes evaporated except for her flesh-colored bikini bottom. I have to admit, I didn’t read it because I fainted and had a long talk with God about things and stuff.

Anyway, hot on the heels of Kate Upton naked on top of a horse is the news that disputes a previous report that the 21-year old model was dating Dancing with the Stars guy who dances Maksim Chmerkovskiy. Apparently Upton is hanging out with Los Angeles Clippers star Blake Griffin now.

You used to be cool, Blake.

A source tells E! News the Sports Illustrated swimsuit beauty and Clippers forward got “very cozy” Wednesday night at NYC hot spot Beauty & Essex.

Blake, 24, showed up to meet a group of friends, including teammate DeAndre Jordan, around 10:30 p.m. wearing a navy and white button-down shirt and salmon-colored pants! Kate, 21, strolled in around 11:30 p.m., joining Blake and his pals while looking sexy in skinny jeans, a nice blouse and heels.

The group noshed on empanadas, lobster tacos and stuffed peppers. And yes, Blake’s crew indulged in some Don Julio Tequila shots. (Wonder how they’re feeling today!) (Via E! News)

Haha, me too! I bet they had headaches from the dehydration that is caused by excessive alcohol use! ROFL!

Anyway, I was thinking about this the other day while I was making a hair doll, and we never really did find out what went wrong with Upton and Justin Verlander, but apparently she took a little dig at him on Twitter recently. Kids these days with their dating and their Twitters. Hopefully, Blake can be a bit more mature about this.

I hate you, Blake Griffin.

(Original banner via Joe Seer / Shutterstock.com)