The Latest Sign That LeBron James Is Going To Cleveland? Website Font Colors.

Chris Sheridan says that he’s 100% that LeBron James is returning to the Cleveland Cavaliers. Chris Broussard left himself an out by saying that he’s 90% sure. Even Stephen A. Smith, who was the man who called the Big 3 before The Decision happened, now believes The Return is imminent. Regardless of who’s right – and the answer will always be Caroline’s Cupcakes – it seems there might finally be an answer to the second most important question of them all – who the f*ck is this source close to LeBron that is leaking everything? Add a web developer to the ever-growing list of suspects.

According to a message grab Tweeted by Grantland’s Matt Borcas, a guy who knows how to do things with things in regards to things took a good look at, where Sheridan said that The King will eventually make his announcement, and you can add font colors to the list of reasons why LeBron is returning to the team that drafted him.

The fonts mentioned?

But don’t get too excited about this revelation just yet, Cavs fans, because Darren “ESPN Pays Me $500K A Year To Tweet Stuff That Other People Tweeted At Me” Rovell can’t seem to find the fonts that this guy is talking about.

While people continue to debate the eventual landing spot for James, the one thing that everyone should be able to agree on is that this free agency period blows The Decision out of the water in terms of insanity and speculation. Last night, someone was sharing a photo of LeBron’s kids at the airport (if they were actually his kids). I’m surprised that Richard Thornburg didn’t show up to LeBron’s home with a camera crew to threaten his housekeeper with deportation if she didn’t offer his kids up for the camera.