With the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision on Friday morning, marriage is now a right that every consenting American can exercise, regardless of sexual orientation. This country just got a little more inclusive, and its people just got a lot happier.
That extends to the country’s athletes, past and present. Like so many Americans, they exulted over the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Twitter. No matter their sexual orientation, or whether they had been advocates or activists before the ruling, everyone deserved to celebrate:
What a day to celebrate! Today also happens to be my parents' 39th wedding anniversary! Congrats to all who celebrate #love. #LoveWins
— Jason Collins (@jasoncollins98) June 26, 2015
Congrats!! Please brace for the backlash! Same-Sex Marriage Is a Right, Supreme Court Rules, 5-4 http://t.co/7QhkdXPFXV
— John Amaechi OBE (@JohnAmaechi) June 26, 2015
@ScottieTakesOn yippee!!!!! We are legal everywhere:), and yes, about time.
— Martina Navratilova (@Martina) June 26, 2015
Equality For All!
— Billie Jean King (@BillieJeanKing) June 26, 2015
Finally. A big step in the right direction for our country! https://t.co/uDS6ltqpcR
— Alex Morgan (@alexmorgan13) June 26, 2015
Very big day. Couldn't be happier about what this means for so many of our friends. Love is love!
— Scott Fujita (@sfujita55) June 26, 2015
Love conquers all! #SameSexMarriage finally legal in all 50 States! I'm so happy for the #LGBTCommunity! Thank you #SCOTUS #LoveIsInTheAir
— Kenneth Faried (@KennethFaried35) June 26, 2015
Michael Sam also retweeted this from Hillary Clinton:
Proud. pic.twitter.com/9J44PCYeuQ
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 26, 2015