Just when you thought Ronda Rousey couldn’t get any cooler, she goes and lands one of the coolest movie roles in the history of cinema. While it’s looking like Emily Blunt may have beaten out the UFC champ for the role of Captain Marvel, Rousey’s Hollywood reps haven’t been sitting idle. Variety is now reporting that Ronda Rousey will play the Patrick Swayze role in a gender-swapped reboot of Road House:
Sources say MGM is currently meeting with writers to pen the script with with no shortage of scribes getting in line for the opportunity to do so.
Rousey thought the idea of starring in a remake was a great idea but wanted to be respectful when pursuing the project. Sources say Rousey recently reached out to Swayze’s widow, Lisa Niemi, to ask for her blessing to star in the remake, which insiders say Niemi gladly gave.
In case you live under a rock or never watch TNT on Sunday afternoon, Road House is about a rough and tumble bouncer with a heart of gold who’s brought in to clean up the meanest bar in Missouri. Patrick Swayze takes out the trash, wins over the girl, and defeats a corrupt businessman, all in 114 minutes of action-packed fisticuffs. It is one of the purest pieces of ‘Muricana ever made, which means we can probably expect a Ghostbusters-sized controversy over the lead being given to a woman.
But this just goes to show you the star power of the 28-year-old Rousey. First, she was getting parts written into major film franchises specifically for her, and now a major studio is flipping one of its classics on its head and rebuilding it around her. Who knows what this film could do for her popularity? If the movie is nothing but Ronda judo throwing dudes through tables and windows, it could be the thing that solidifies her as the long-awaited female Schwarzenegger or Stallone.
UPDATE: Rousey took to Twitter on Wednesday afternoon to confirm the news:
http://t.co/hVA44maR3h pic.twitter.com/YakdrFHSGv
— Ronda Rousey (@RondaRousey) September 9, 2015
(via Variety)