Rob Ryan Got Fired By The Saints And The Internet Responded In Kind

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The Rob Ryan era in New Orleans is over. After a report that Ryan was fired on Monday afternoon was shot down by Saints coach Sean Payton, the two sides parted ways later on that evening. It was an emotional moment for many people on Twitter who found Ryan endearing – sure, he isn’t the defensive mind that his father or brother are, but he was always a ton of fun to watch for his big personality and unique look.

Naturally, because a person who is liked by a lot of people got fired, the Internet decided to come together and make a bunch of jokes about it. There is only one place to start – with the person who made a crying Michael Jordan meme out of Ryan. Here it is:

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to some more original stuff. First, we’ll turn to the grieving Twitter account of Fox Sports 1 host and professed fan of Ryan, Katie Nolan, who took the news really hard.

Next, we’ll hop over to HBO’s Bill Simmons, who decided to pour one out for the end of one of fantasy football’s biggest guarantees – starting a quarterback against Ryan’s defenses.

Deadspin’s Drew Magary shared his thoughts on “Jim Haslett with better hair,” suggesting that we should revive a now-defunct football league so Ryan can still have a job.

Some decided to remember Ryan for his magnificent head of hair…

…while others lamented on that time Ryan was shirtless on a beach killing a beer with his brother.

Normally when a coach gets fired, you assume that his players get upset and opponents get happy at the change. However, if you ask people on Twitter, the exact opposite happened when Ryan got the axe.

For the final word on the end of the Ryan’s tenure, let’s go to the New Orleans bar Miss Mae’s, which summed things up simply.

Despite all the jokes, Ryan is one of the most entertaining coaches in football. Hopefully he lands somewhere and gets back to making all of us laugh with his otherworldly sense of humor as soon as possible.