Ladies and gentlemen, the man I want to be when I grow up.
The man in the picture is Uncle Rico Alan Kahn, AKA the author of The Speed Bag Bible, AKA The Last Dragon? He’s so good at punching a speed bag that he can use it as a drum, punching along to some of his favorite songs, assuming they include lyrics about how cool it is that he’s drumming a speed bag.
If you read that and thought, “lol, what,” here’s his explanation:
I like Punch Drumming to songs that relate to the words, “Rhythm” and “Beat” etc. In this clip I’m punch drumming to a song called “Rhythm Of The Night” by DeBarge. It’s a medium speed song with a funky dance beat that fits well with a 9×6 bag.
Who am I to doubt Alan Kahn? If he says DeBarge is appropriate for 9×6 bags, I’m going with it. Here’s the video. If it inspires you to go kick somebody’s ass to ‘Who’s Johnny?’ don’t worry, you’re not alone.
And don’t forget, the actual ‘Rhythm Of The Night’ video is worth revisiting, as is everything DeBarge did ever.
[h/t to Cage Potato]