An Army Dad Surprised His Daughter At A San Antonio Missions Game

I’ve been to a few San Antonio Missions games at Wolff Stadium, and here’s a quick list of pros and cons.

PROS – Minor League Baseball games are fun, the Missions do a lot of fun promotions (including the best fireworks I’ve ever seen at a minor league park) and they’ve got the greatest mascot ever, the Ballapeno. He’s a baseball playing jalapeƱo. This is us. Missions games also feature HENRY THE PUFFY TACO, which is exactly what it sounds like.

CONS – literally 3,000 degrees at all times

Watching clips from Missions games eliminates their only Con, so break out the tissues and enjoy this clip of a dad returning home from the Army to surprise his daughter during a ceremonial first pitch. It’s heartwarming. 3,000 degrees of heartwarming.

Little 5-year-old Hailey Sandoval thought she was being honored by the San Antonio Missions baseball team when she was asked to throw out the ceremonial first pitch during the Missions game against the Corpus Christi Hooks Sunday evening.

Instead, she was about to be treated to a big surprise.

The man in the catchers uniform was actually her father, Army Sgt. Alvino Sandoval. He had just returned from a six-month tour of duty in Afghanistan. (via KSAT)

I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of watching people be happy at baseball games. That’s the only baseball news that should ever be shared. Not even scores. Just videos of people being happy.

Also, with a first pitch like that, this little kid will be in Girls’ Generation in no time.