Caitlyn Jenner Will Go For The Gold On Her First Nude Magazine Cover

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Caitlyn Jenner first unveiled her transition to the world on a Vanity Fair cover. She’s choosing the same method to celebrate the 40th anniversary of her decathlon world record at the 1976 Montreal Olympics. Jenner once revealed in a Huffington Post column that she always tried to stay low key about her super-athlete status. Naturally, Jenner’s children were aware of her vast accomplishments. Yet she always kept the medal hidden because Jenner never wanted her kids “to constantly compare their own achievements to my time in the Olympics.” Now, Jenner is ready to present the medal’s glory to the world. According to Us Weekly (which often lands reliable Kardashian-related news first), she will pose with the medal while nude on the cover of Sports Illustrated:

Caitlyn Jenner will appear on a summer cover of Sports Illustrated wearing “nothing but an American flag and her Olympic medal,” a source reveals in the latest issue of Us Weekly. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of her win, she’ll pose with her gold medal for the first time post-transition, adds the source: “She’s excited about that.”

Jenner’s been keeping busy quite lately beyond her television duties. She recently documented a bathroom break at a Trump hotel for I Am Cait to help further transgender bathroom rights. And she’s always looking for more opportunities to shine a light on LGBT awareness. Her decision to do a nude cover coincides with SI‘s patriotic-themed shoot revolving around the Rio 2016 Summer Games, which will bring a greater audience to Jenner’s causes.

Now that Jenner’s children are fully grown and have all — mostly — launched careers of their own, she feels the time is right to bust out that medal.

(Via Us Weekly & Huffington Post)