Did Chad Johnson Get A Coaching Job With The Browns Thanks To Twitter?

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Former NFL wide receiver Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson may have found an NFL coaching job through the unlikeliest of channels. The 38-year-old will reportedly be heading to Cleveland Browns training camp later this summer after asking the team (and coach Hue Jackson) for an opportunity to coach through Twitter.

Though there’s been no official confirmation, an update from Johnson on Tuesday afternoon seems to indicate his request was granted.

We’ll have to wait and see what this means for Johnson, but if one had to wager a guess, I would say it’s likely that he may have been offered a temporary role to see what kind of guidance he can offer some of the Browns’ wideouts. Jackson was a wide receivers coach in Cincinnati when Johnson was with the Bengals, so that prior relationship probably helped him score the role.

If not, maybe it was his 19-hour long DVD resumé.

That seems a bit excessive, but also definitely not out of the realm of actuality for Johnson

He’s a guy who spent much of his NFL career being a headache for coaches — both his own and those on opposing teams — so it will be very interesting to see if there’s any chance he has a future in coaching himself.

Either way, it’s the Browns, so how much worse could things get?

(Via Fox Sports)