In a somewhat surprising turn of events, Chip Kelly was let go from his position as head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles on Tuesday. It was a swift fall from grace, and prompted all manner of reactions from the internet. Perhaps the most surprising reaction of all, however, was from a few New England bros, who maybe decided to call Chip to commiserate.
We say “maybe” because, this being the internet, there’s a strong possibility this is completely fake. Sure, the voice on the other end is in the same register as Kelly’s voice, and has the same short answers that a disheartened man would give to a stranger, and they do have an explanation for having Chip’s number (all sic):
Backstory is as follows: “So this girl we were with last night… Worked at Portsmouth Country Club in New Hampshire. Kelly is from New Hampshire. He was a 3 day guest there, and she was kinda like an assistant for him while he was there. She said one night him and his buddies were wasted and said here take my phone number in case you lose me”
But still, why would Kelly, whose phone must be ringing off the hook with interview requests (and maybe job offers), pick up for an unrecognized number? And even if he would, he’d probably hang up the second he heard their Butthead-esque giggling in the background. But hey, if it’s real, then credit Chip for being chill enough to engage these meatheads in (albeit halting) conversation.
(Via The Big Lead)