Someone Threw Urine At A Tour De France Rider Because People Are Awful

Alrighty then.

Apparently, tossing pee at Tour de France race leader Chris Froome is a thing. Froome has been the subject of doping accusations, which is why one spectator decided to launch some, um, “personal cologne” his way during the 14th stage, per Mashable:

Froome said a roadside spectator shouting “doper” in French splashed him with urine in Stage 14. His teammate Richie Porte said someone punched him on a climb in the Pyrenees last week.

Being doused in liquids by roadside fans goes with the terrain of being a Tour de France rider. But this was different.

“No mistake, it was urine,” the race leader said.

“I saw this guy just peering around and I thought, ‘That looks a bit strange,'” he said. “As I got there he just sort of launched this cup toward me and said (in French) ‘Doper!’

“That’s unacceptable on so many levels.”


Froome has been vocal about what he considers to be “very irresponsible” reporting regarding the doping accusations against him, blaming the media for turning the public against him and the Team Sky racing team.


(Via Mashable)