Imagine for a second that you’re a Cleveland Browns fan (I know it’s sad, but bear with me). You skip out on work, brave the cold all day with your friends to tailgate. I mean, it’s not often that you get a Monday Night Football game against the Ravens at your place. The team has been horrific for quite some time and the guy who was supposed to save the franchise (Johnny Manziel) has been demoted to third-string QB. Things can’t get any worse, right?
Well, sadly, yes they can. You can get a field goal blocked as time expires and lose in absolutely brutal fashion. And then some guy in the stands can capture that moment on video and upload it to his Twitter account and get, like, 10,000 RTs in the middle of the night.
It sucks being a Browns fan. It really does.
(WARNING: Language)
How it feels to be a Browns fan #MNF
— Sobe (@Sobe_homie) December 1, 2015